Are you a demigod?

So you think you are a demigod?? Well take this quiz and find out now!! NOW PLEASE TAKE RHIS QUIZ NOOOOOOOW. I HAVE BEEN WRITING THIS ALL NIGHT SO PLEASE TAKE IT!!

Will you please leave a comment?? I've put a lot of work in this so please take it and leave a comment (optional). It is hard to wright one of these things.

Created by: Alder brook
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does anyone at you're school have a disability?
  2. Do you believe in Greek gods and goddesses?
  3. Would you ever want to go to camp half blood??
  4. Do you think one of your parents isn't your real parent?
  5. Do you think you are a demigod?
  6. Do you think you need to have dislexia and ADHD to be a demigod?
  7. Who do you think your godly parent is
  8. Would you ever fight a monster?
  9. What is your wepon of choise?
  10. Do you have any siblings?
  11. Do you think your sibling is a demigod or mortal?

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Quiz topic: Am I a demigod?