are YOU a DEMIGOD??????

THE GREEK GODS ARE ALIVE AND KICKING and you may just be one of their many children, they may have awesome powers, but their lives are constantly in danger, and its up to them to save our lives when disaster (OR GAIA OR KRONOS OR TYPHON) strikes. our lives. in their capable hands

RECRUITING NOW!! we need more demigods on hand to save the rest of the world, and to be honest demigods survive and thrive at out two camps, camp jupitor and camp halfblood, THIS TEST COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE, AND THE LIVES OF MORTALS YOU MAY ONE DAY SAVE!!!!

Created by: MEEEE
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ARE YOU adhd
  2. are you dyslexic
  3. do you see strange things i.e teachers with horns people with goat legs?
  4. do you have the ability to control your dreams... ish like walk aroung move stuff?
  5. doyou have an afinity for certain things i.e water nature flying
  6. do you hate, or are scared of certain things, i.e hieghts spiders...
  7. do you have both parents
  8. well... i suppose i need to entertain you now, if you think you are random choose cheese, btw no effect on score!!!
  9. if you think this quiz is boring say please
  10. umm, the please is in this question not the other one, and if you are a demigod, get straight off the internet, and dont even do a quiz on whoi your parent is... actually you can if you want

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Quiz topic: Am I a DEMIGOD??????