Are you a crazy shy or just a normal yandere p

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This was for fun and you can retake the quiz if you don't like your answer but please don't be mad if you don't like the quiz and think it's retarded sorry

This quiz is for weirdos like me and other people obsessed with anime and yandere characters but it can really be for anyone just have fun with the quiz -_-

Created by: Mika
  1. Witch one of these are you?
  2. Why do you murder?
  3. What do you do as a yandere
  4. Witch one do you want?
  5. What do you want from senpai?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. Do you like yanderes
  8. Do you love your senpai enough to kill?
  9. What do you do if senpai said I love you?
  10. What do you do if senpai has a girlfriend?

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Quiz topic: Am I a crazy shy or just a normal yandere p
