Are you a crazy person?

There are many crazy people out there but few regulers. What is a crazy person? well its a person that would do anything even if it was really random and a regular person is a person that dosn't really do anything fun

Are you a crazy person or are you regular, if you take this quiz you could find out and it will be fun. you could end the wonder and find out what you want or what you don't want. So try this quiz , you never know you might like it

Created by: Audrey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to run around the house for no reason?
  2. Do you say the most random things
  3. Do you like to jump for no reason
  4. Do you stare at people and give them weird looks and then laugh
  5. Do you eat weird things and then laugh at it
  6. do you laugh at things that are not even funny.
  7. Are you the kind of person that will do the stupidest thing just to make you happy,even if it involves embarrassing your self
  8. are you crazy
  9. Would you do crazy things for the one you love
  10. do you do crazy things like jump over stuff randomly

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Quiz topic: Am I a crazy person?