are you a craig

This quiz will basically tell if you are a loser stoner or are just plain cool and normal. so did you like this quiz i made with my friends or was it gay.

craig is the loser and john is the stoner cool is like meee. Were you pleased with this quiz and were you a loser or were you smoking hot or a gothic stoner

Created by: craig of we are good
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u like men or women
  2. are you constantly thinking about food
  3. do u cut your wrists
  4. do u chill with friends
  5. do u hang with friends alot
  6. do u have the IQ of a stick
  7. can you see your toes
  8. do u smoke every day
  9. do u wear fashionable clothes
  10. is your head the shape of a bowling pin

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Quiz topic: Am I a craig