are you a coward

i dont know why i made this quiz im writing this because i want to fill this paragraph and in this quiz you will understand something about your self!

please answer these questions carefully if u really want to know about your self and don't forget this BE HONEST and don't lie because you cant lie to yourself

Created by: alisolati&ali taba

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you afraid of the dark?
  2. what is the scariest movie you ever saw?
  3. do you have a phobia?
  4. are you afraid of heights? (discounting phobias)
  5. what would you have done if a zombie apocalypse happened?
  6. are you afraid of cockroaches? (discounting phobias)
  7. pretend there is an abandoned house next too your home that a murder happened there years ago would you go out and search the house? (of course you wont)
  8. do you think being scared of something is good or bad?
  9. how much coward are you? (what you think about your self)
  10. are you afraid of sleeping alone?
  11. what do you think about this quiz? (doesn't affect the results)

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Quiz topic: Am I a coward