Are you A cow or not

What kind of cow are you? Find out if you hate or love them. You could be in the tummy too! Make sure you answer true for the right result. The cows are various so choose wisely or be on the bottom as a hater.

Mooooooooo. Cows are great no Offence. Roses are red violets are blue, I am no poet a bit like you. Cows deserve a life in no burger so pls don't be mean.

Created by: Coco
  1. Do you eat burgers
  2. Are you a vegan or not
  3. Whats ur favourite animal
  4. Would you kiss a person of the same gender?
  5. Are you a cow or not
  6. Are you boy or girl
  7. Would you..
  8. Who's better
  9. Have you kissed your best friend
  10. Do you like a guy

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Quiz topic: Am I A cow or not

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