are you a cool guy?

this is a quiz that tells you how cool you are. this quiz is to show you if you are one of the coolest kids in school or one of the wierdest. this quiz is the best quiz you will ever take.

are YOU cool? do you have the abilities to be one of the coolest kids in your school? with this amazing masterpiece you will be able to find out. you will be able to learn exactly how cool you are.

Created by: scott
  1. how many good friends do you have?
  2. how many casual friends do you have?
  3. how do you spend friday nights?
  4. how many girl friends have you had
  5. are you gay?
  6. do you feel comfortable around your friends?
  7. you are at party they are serving beer and you are underaged?
  8. where do you have more friends?
  9. have you been bullied?
  10. which insult are you most commonly called?
  11. what are you discribed as the most?
  12. if someone wanted to fight you what would you say?
  13. do you masturbate?
  14. what do you think my name is?
  15. what would you say you are?
  16. why are you taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a cool guy?