Are you a cool Dude

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Hello i am Daniel i love to do so many things soThe things i love to do are :Playing games for example gaming and Playing Minecraft and Playing Fortnite and more

i hate do eat bitter melon and playing roblox and playing among us and playing with girls and going near them and more things i hate when girls disturb me

Created by: Danyal
  1. Are you a Boy or a girl
  2. What are your Favorite games
  3. What is Your favorite dinner
  4. Do you like Meat For example Broast
  5. How many Freinds do you have
  6. Do you have an Gaming Setup with Gfeul
  7. If you do party so wich type of party do you do
  8. Do you do gaming
  9. How much Gaming do you do every day
  10. Are you strong
  11. How much strong you are
  12. What is your favorite restaurant
  13. what is your favorite type of music

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Quiz topic: Am I a cool Dude
