Are you a clean person?

Are you a clean person? Wonder where you stand among other people? Well, you are at the right place! Take this test to find out if you're a clean person or not.

Disclaimer: The results of the following test might not be accurate. This test is just for fun and is not suppose to judge you. If you're fine with it, keep scrolling!

Created by: David
  1. Do you wash your hands after going out of the bathroom?
  2. How often do you shower per week?
  3. How long do you wear a clothe before changing it?
  4. Would you use a dirty public bathroom if you really need to go?
  5. Would you pick up a banknote that dropped on a sidewalk?
  6. Do you wash your hands with soap?
  7. If a bread is mouldy, you...
  8. After sweating a lot, you...
  9. Would you eat at a dirty restaurant?
  10. How often do you clean your bathroom?

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Quiz topic: Am I a clean person?
