Are you a Christian?

This is a quiz about God, like are you with him? You might say yes to every answer but I want you to really think about these questions. God wants you to answer these questions right!

God hopes you answer these questions with him. Are you a Christian take this quiz to find out! We hope you have a great, great, great time! We hope you enjoy doing this quiz!

Created by: Amy
  1. Are you a christian?
  2. Do I love God?
  3. Did you read paragraph one?
  4. Are you reading a Bible every day?
  5. Do you go to church?
  6. Do you have Godly parents?
  7. Do you have Christian friends?
  8. Do your older or younger siblings go to church?
  9. Do you have a Bible?
  10. Do you believe in God?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Christian?
