are you a celeberty?

I thought the name " are you a celeberty " sounded perfect. It is about if when you are older, will you become rich and famous? You will absolutly love this quiz.

Are YOU a celeberty? You could only daydream being a famous star or something. But due to this quiz, you will learn and discover the awesomeness of you being a celeberty.

Created by: kacie olney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like singing?
  2. Do you like being around lots of people?
  3. Do you like being hugged?
  4. Are you more of a fan or a star?
  5. Do you like music?
  6. Do you like acting?
  7. How much do you like acting?
  8. How much do you want to be a celeberty?
  9. How much do you have stage fright?
  10. How much do you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a celeberty?