Are You A Cat Person Or A Dog Person

Have you ever wanted to know if you are a cat person or a dog person? Here is where you’ll find out if you prefer kittens over puppies, or puppies over kittens.

Both animals are pretty cute, but a lot of people can’t decide. And there are a whole lot of other animals you can have as pets too. Take this quiz to find out if you love dogs or cats more!

Created by: Cadence
  1. Which do you think is the cutest
  2. What is this word: Duckt______
  3. What is this word: P__G
  4. What is this word: P____dle
  5. What is this word: P__ppy
  6. The world is turning into a giant potato that will get eaten by a space monster. You have a cat and a dog. There is only room for one pet in the spaceship. Who would you bring?
  7. Which would you rather pet?
  8. When you touch an animal, what do you call what you’re doing?
  9. What is this word: ____itten
  10. What sound do you hear when you pet an animal?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Cat Person Or A Dog Person
