Are you a cat person???

There are many people who "like" cats. Few are true Fanatics. the sort you'd call a Cat Lady. this is a simple test to see if you are just average or if you secretly fantastize about the next cat you will buy

I haven't done any quizzes like this so far. If i really SUCK please tell me i want to get better. If u have a suggestion or liked the quiz please leave a comment.

Created by: SilverWish

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many cats do you own???
  2. How much do you spend on cat food every week?
  3. When sitting down in any chair do you check for a cat in it
  4. Do you consider your cat to be "Yours"
  5. You can never have to many cats
  6. You have scars from past relationships
  7. Do you let your cat sleep with you?
  8. how much time do you spend with each of your cats (in hours)
  9. did you enjoy this quiz (doesn't affect your score)
  10. More importantly did your cat enjoy this quiz?????

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Quiz topic: Am I a cat person???