Are you a cat expert?

There are many people who know about cats. I created this quiz for them to see if they can get one hundred percent on this test and know about these features and characteristicts of cats.

Do you think you know about some characteriststics and features of cats? Then take this quiz and find out. There are ten questions and four to six possible answers for each.

Created by: Micky
  1. What allows a cat to clean itself?
  2. Are all cats fraidy cats?
  3. What type of cat is a good cat for training?
  4. Which cat has cute folded ears?
  5. Are cats good listeners?
  6. Are cats good patrol animals?
  7. Which cat's tail looks like it has been cut off?
  8. Which cat looks like it's naked?
  9. What is the claw on the side of thier paw called?
  10. Which cat is black, white, and orange?

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Quiz topic: Am I a cat expert?