Are you a Capitalist or a Socialist?

There are Capitalists, and Socialists. Liberals and Conservatives. Democrats and Republicans. Both Capitalists and Socialists have different beliefs that interfere with eachother.

Would you like to know whether you're a capitalist or a socialist? Maybe you could be a communist. You never know until you take this quiz. The results could shock you a little.

Created by: YOU
  1. How do you feel on Abortion?
  2. What about Gun Rights
  3. How do you feel about the death penalty?
  4. Your opinion on Homosexuality?
  5. How do you feel about Healthcare?
  6. Who is ruining the country?
  7. Should the Government Spy on people?
  8. Free Choice?
  9. Religion?
  10. What about Private Property?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Capitalist or a Socialist?