Are you a ButtF**k ?

There are a lot of people on this planet but there are a lot of people that are "BUTTF**K!" `Buttf**k' a person that is to way up their own butt to care what other need, or say or anything to do with others.After you can see what people think of u after this test.. but dont have to take my word for it

do u care for ur friends?Do you need to see if u are really a selfish person ?Do you need the answers to your life, well thanx to this great test... take it and then you will find out as quick as 8 mins. and you will be in the known

Created by: tINA of MYSPACE
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you care for other people?
  2. When you want something, do you put urself first then others?
  3. When you ask ur friend to help you get a job,and they say their job isnt hiring do you just stop talking to your friend.
  4. When you think someone is mad at you,you automatically ask them, like textxn,and calling,email,myspacin etc.and u dont stop till you learn that you okay.? Do you?
  5. You call up ur friend,asking wut they want to it because ur ...
  6. When you say u love someone (ie. like ur friends and family)(mostly ur friends? do u mean it ?
  7. You are having a party and you want and need a lot of people to attend.. do u call up this friend that u come across ur contacts, do u just invite them for more people or do u really want to catch up on old times?
  8. If you friend needs you,like a bad day or just needs a crying shoulder would u be there for them?
  9. Would you attend you "friend's" funeral?
  10. If your friend just had a tragic thing happen.. would u

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Quiz topic: Am I a ButtF**k ?