Are you a boy or girl?

This quiz can guess if your a boy or girl I bet you that it can guess rightI hope you have fun with this quizWe will try are best to guess it rightI love you

Sorry if we get it wrong LmaoSrryBut I think this quiz wont guess wrong This quiz is very smartJust like you You are smart,pretty/handsome, smart, and unique

Created by: Alex
  1. Do you play any sports?
  2. Did you ever take dance classes?
  3. What pronouns do you like to go by?
  4. Do you like bathes or showers more
  5. Why are you taking this quiz?(this dosnt effect your answer?
  6. Do you listen to Billie Elish?
  7. What's the missing number lmao1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10
  8. Do you tske quizzes often
  9. Just pick a random one
  10. What's your favorite color out of these

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Quiz topic: Am I a boy or girl?

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