Are you a blond???

There are so many smart people in the world and so many dumb ones!! A smart person is a person who has brunette color hair!!! and a dumb person is a person who has blond hair!!!!!! So thats pretty much how it goes!!! Sorry blonds!!! :-|)

Are you a blond???? Well this quiz will help you find out! So you may be a blopnd on the outside but a brunette on the inside Or a brunette on the outside and blond on the inside!!!! It will just take a few moments to find out!!!

Created by: Claudia and Cassandra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you blank out???
  2. Whats your favorite color???
  3. Are you preppy???
  4. Are your friends preppy???
  5. Are you a cheerleader??
  6. Are you bossy???
  7. Do you play sports???
  8. Is your bf a blond or brunette???
  9. Is your mom kool or embarrising???
  10. What does your name start with???

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Quiz topic: Am I a blond???