Are you a black cat or golden retriever?

Black cats and golden retrievers are very different. Taking this quiz won’t just express what animal you are, but it will also tell you some personality traits about yourself.

Black cats like to keep to themselves and golden retrievers will always be making friends. What are you? A loyal retriever or a smart cat who’s always up for a challenge?

Created by: Ryann Stidham
  1. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
  2. Black or white?
  3. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  4. Do you have a pet?
  5. Do you have a partner?
  6. Would you rather see in the dark, or have super hearing?
  7. What’s your favorite holiday?
  8. Do you think black cats are unlucky?
  9. Do you have many friends?
  10. Lastly did you like this quiz? (Will affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Am I a black cat or golden retriever?
