Are you a bisexual?

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I am bisexual. Are you paying attention now? Bisexuality holds an interesting position when it comes to sexual minorities. On one hand, it's seen as the ultimate liberation: "They'll do it with hot!". But when it comes to seeking mainstream social acceptance, we can be seen as the worst in sexual perversion: "They'll do it with shameful!".

There are many theories and opinions on bisexuals, some I agree with, others do not fit my definition of being bisexual. The important thing is that bisexuality is real, it's not a "transition period" to being gay, a homosexual in denial, or a person who just can't make up their mind. Being bisexual is a huge part of my identity, something that no one can take away from me.

Created by: XbirdwindX
  1. Do you see yourself with a woman?
  2. Do you see yourself with a man?
  3. Why do you think you are Bisexual?
  4. Have you can any crushes on a female and a male at the same time?
  5. Have you ever dated somebody?
  6. Do you picture yourself kissing the same gender?
  7. Have you already came out as a different sexuality? If not just check none for the next question, this one too.
  8. Why do you think it is possible you are bisexual? (That came off a little rude, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.)
  9. Are you not interested in men?
  10. Are you interested in women?
  11. Are you homophobic?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bisexual?
