Are you a Bielieber???

This quiz is about how much you knoe the most famous teenager in the world JUSTIN BIEBER good luck taking this quiz I cannot promise you whether it is going to be easy or not but good luck!

Do you have the courage to take this challenge if so click the lets go button and see how much you knoe and how muchyou find out good luck with the quiz I hope its not to hard :)

Created by: Evangaline
  1. Which Judge did Justin Bieber Flirt With Whilst performing on X factor?
  2. Which TV Presenter offered Justin Bieber a Twiglet?
  3. In which country did Justin Bieber do a Bungy Jump?
  4. What is Justin Bieber dads nickname
  5. Wen Justin Bieber started crying at a concert what song was he singing
  6. Which Show on nickelodeon did he make a guest appearance in?
  7. Why did Justin Bieber get a tatoo of a bird on his stomach
  8. What is Justin Biebers favourite fruit
  9. Whats Justins mum and dads name
  10. Whats Justins Managers name

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Quiz topic: Am I a Bielieber???