Are you a BakuDeku person or A Kiribaku person?

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This Quiz will just let you know what type of person you are. A BkDk Or A BkKr (Sorry if I said them wrong), This is basically like a quick little quiz and It gives you information on Bakugou, Deku, and Kirishima.

If you enjoy this quiz please go right ahead and give a positive review or anything that I had made A mistake but please do not cause anything bad like saying "Lgbtqia is so disgusting" or "I support Bkdk/BkKr better". Just positive review please.

Created by: Lia Sanchez
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  1. Do u support the LGBTQIA+ Community
  2. Who do u think is better at love?
  3. What would you choose to do with your friends?
  4. What do you think you would do if you were in anime world?
  5. If you had to choose to be apart with a gay couple who would it be?
  6. Which Quirk do u think is better?
  7. Which quirk is better to have in your opinion?
  8. Which do you think Bakugou and Deku like better?
  9. Where do You think Kirishima and Bakugou would wanna go for A hangout?
  10. Did You enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a BakuDeku person or A Kiribaku person?
