Are You a Bad b----ikin?

This is a quiz to see if you are worthy of being a Bad bitc*ikin. You see this quiz was motivated by Twaimz. He is my all time favorite Youtuber/viner. He is the president of Bad BITC*ICA.

Now you are taking this quiz to find out if you are a true Bad Bithikin or if you're just a Bad bitc*. Now go in and try to become a Bad bitc*ikin! Oh and use my Snapchat and Instagram information!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Samerrah Wright
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If we met, would you give me food?
  2. What's your favorite animal?
  3. What's ur favorite color
  4. Do u own a knife
  5. Do u cuss A LOT?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. Personal shi*
  8. Did you like my quiz
  9. What's your favorite movie type
  10. Do you watch vines or YouTube

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Quiz topic: Am I a Bad b----ikin?