Are you a Avenger???

Hi! Welcome to my quiz! Thanks all of you who know me on Roblox! My usernem is dreamyandme3! I really hope you enjoy this quiz! I might get a YouTube channel. Dont count on it.

This quiz is to see if you have the guts to be a true Avenger! I hope i can count on you when Thanos comes! I’d be happy if you get a good grade on this quiz!

Created by: MiatheRobloxlover
  1. Would you fight back or would you run
  2. Do you want to be an Avenger?
  3. Are you busy???
  4. Would you do anything to save the world?
  5. Would you fight THANOS?????
  6. Are you organized?
  7. Do you like marvel movies???
  8. Whos your favorite avenger?
  9. Do you know a lot about Marvel?
  10. Did you like the quiz?
  11. If you play Roblox, please freind me , username is dreamyandme3

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Quiz topic: Am I a Avenger???
