are you a Alpha beta delta omega or just a lone wolf

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this is one of the best quizez i know but i do not like to pat myself on the back or anything but if i have tooking it i would take it over and over again! and i mean it

i made this quiz title i really hope people like it well i think it is a pretty good title don't you think well i do?!!!!! i love my quiz i really do!

Created by: Ada
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a mummy or daddy?
  2. its the moonlight howl and your mum says you HAVE to pick a howling partener tonight who do you chose
  3. who are you out of Alpha and omega well most like
  4. are you a Alpha beta delta omega pup or lone wolf
  5. your pack hunt failed you do what?
  6. you have moved out of your family pack and you and your howling partener move into a nice cosy cave and you get pregnent when you have had youre pups and they have grown up you diside to make them unite the packs you make your boy pup Ben to unite the packs with lily from the good wolf pack would you let them bild there own family?
  7. your pups have left home do you start another litter of pups?
  8. do you fall in love easely
  9. your love is king and you get to be queen of wolves how does that make you feel?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Alpha beta delta omega or just a lone wolf