Are u smarter than me?

So, r u smarter than me, a 5th almost 6th grader?I'm smart enough to maybe beat u with this. There r few questions that u answer TRUTHFULLY. No lieing and no searching it up on anything. No help at all

How r u? I'm good, just wanna know. I made this at 12:43 am so I'm tired as frick. Wut time r u doing this huh? So, r u ok? Idk wut to say so I'm just speaking stuff.

Created by: Hi
  1. So, wuts 33×33-33+33÷0
  2. Wut is daycare
  3. How bored are you from the scale of 1 to 10, 10 meaning u wish u were ded
  4. Do u like dis
  5. Will u comment and rate
  6. How many teeth have u lost?
  7. Cats or dogs
  8. Do u like rolypollys?
  9. :D
  10. Ok bye now

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