are u really happy?

There are many happy people around the world but only few of them are truly happy this quiz will help u find how happy you are and will let you now if you are one of those few truly happy people.

so are u really happy? find out in this quiz. this is a quiz that will let you know how happy you are and it is fun in just a few seconds you are really about to find how happy you are!

Created by: marwa saleem
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you share your feelings with friends or relatives?
  2. How often do you do kind things for others?
  3. How often do you do (at least 20 minutes) of physical exercise?
  4. I know what my strengths and virtues are and I use them creatively to improve the quality of my life (for example: I am patient and organized and I enjoy using these traits in my job as an elementary school teacher)
  5. I find a deep sense of fulfilment in my life by using my strengths and skills towards a purpose greater than myself.
  6. I engage in activities (sports, writing, etc) that I find challenging and absorbing.
  7. I have feelings of gratitude towards people and events from my past.
  8. I am able to focus on the present moment and do not get distracted by thoughts of the past or future.
  9. I am optimistic about the future.
  10. choose a color

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