Are u nice? :D

Being nice is good for you . Are you nice ? Find out by taking my test . If your not the nicest person then find out how to be nicer because it will change your life . :D

Are you popular ? YES NO MEBEY SO . You could only wonder up intill now. Find out if your the purfect BFF. Or figure out why your not. DO IT :D :D :D

Created by: angelpiper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do u act around friends?
  2. How many BFF`S
  3. R your friends ''GOOD''
  4. Smoke ?
  5. Drugs ?
  6. Drink ?
  7. Like: 1) morning 2)night 3)noon
  8. BF GF?
  9. been 2 jail
  10. Did u like the test

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