are u my type of best friend

this quiz is about if u would be able to be my best friend or if u have a lot in common with me i think some of people who would take my quiz would get a good score.

Are u in common with me? i wanna know about u and see if u would make a great best friend but remember do this for fun its a quiz for fun and trust me in a few minutes you will have fun.

Created by: SR13
  1. whats your favorite color
  2. whats your favorite food
  3. do u like one direction
  4. are u a dog or cat person? or puppy or kitten person?
  5. are u a risk taker?
  6. do u know what SLY means?
  7. would u date my crush? if u knew i liked him would u tell him?
  8. if u had one million dollars what would u do with it?
  9. do u like del taco?
  10. whats your hobbie?
  11. last question would u follow me on twitter? my name sidneyrules13?

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