Are u my next Mistake?

HI There!(whoever is reading this!)I dont even know why i am making this quiz but i is my second quiz!So,hope u will like it!Anyway,byeeeeee!!!!!!!

Are u My Next Mistake?This actually means are u my next crush or not?well,to be honest crushes are always mistakes!lol....anyway dont wanna go to far with this....

Created by: BadGirl_Goes_69

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. hi!!!!*smiles*BAD GIRL here!
  2. OH NO!!I m having periods!how do u comfort me?
  3. Damn!You have to hangover with your friends and u have a date with me!what do u do?
  4. Describe your self in one word!
  5. Who is the sexiest?
  6. Where do u take me on a date?
  7. SO whts up this weekend?
  8. Where r u from?
  9. R u Single?
  10. Bye!Pls comment!

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