Are You Mrs. Bieber!!!

This is a quiz for U. Only if U know Justin. Do U think U hav wat I takes? Do U think U'll be miss Bieber. How well do U really know him. Because if U don't this is a total waste for U.

Are U gonna be miss Bieber one day? Well, I just hope U do good on this quiz and have fun if U do good than U are totally made for him but if not so good than U might need to study him some more..

Created by: alyssa brown
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What's your fav color?
  3. Whens biebers B-day?
  4. When did Justin Bieber preform at the maryland state fair?
  5. How old is Justin?
  6. What's his mom'S name?
  7. Does Justin have a brother?
  8. What is justins middle name?
  9. What color is biebers hair?
  10. Who is Justin Bieber to you?

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