Are u Mexican ?? Or just ur self

Here is. A quiz about Mexico how people are different not to say anything about other races and not trying to be rude or anything just being here showing respect to others and fighting against the law to make everyone happy and to be a great family all together

I hope u liked the quiz I had good time making it now bye.. I hope u like so if u did comment and see what u thought about the quiz have and awesome day

Created by: Vanessa
  1. What would be a good snack
  2. Say Bertha
  3. What do u put on pizza
  4. What do ur parents do when u get in trouble?
  5. What’s ur favorite fruit
  6. What shoes do u where daily
  7. How do u like ur spicyness
  8. How do u eat
  9. Do u were flip flops
  10. Do u take showers

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