Are u hott or nott?..

*~Are you Hott or Nott? cme into my head after i took a quiz like it..It was called Do you have a good socail life?!..It was good you should try it out after this one!..What is Hott!? Well to be honest i've been called hott before and my example is that you are like no other you are a beautiful gorgas lad or lady!....What is Nott? well i havent been called that but i know what it is!..Well you wouldnt go up to someone and say that their Nott!..Because most people would say.."I'm not what?" But my impression of it is that you arent as beautiful or gorgas as the people who are considered Hott!....~*

*~Well are you Hott?Do you have the looks to be considered Hott!..Well thanks to this Great Fantasic quiz in just a couple of minutes you will find out if you are Hott (Gorgas gal or lad) or Nott (The oppisite of Hott!)~*

Created by: Claire Done
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have Dark hair or Light hair?
  2. Which would you prefur on a date?
  3. What is you perfuct dream guy or girl?
  4. Wher would you bring your BF or GF on hoildays?
  5. Would you ever cheat on you Bf or Gf?
  6. What is the perfect pressie for you?
  7. Do you get complatmented often/
  8. Have you ever been called a Lash?
  9. Are you considered Hott! or Nott! to people who are known as populars?
  10. Do lots of people know you when you dont know them!..???

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