are u hot enough for a guy?!

this quiz is a GIRLS ONLY quiz so if boys take this quiz they are straight out gay. so just to let ya'll know that this is my 3rd or 2nd quiz I've done.

do you have what it takes to take this amazing quiz? try and you'll find out how good you are with boys!if you get a bad score... its OK. its not like this quiz depends on your life.

Created by: emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have a crush?
  2. what kind of lips do u have?
  3. what is your crushes name?
  4. do u mutter when u try to talk to him?
  5. do u THINK u look hot/sexy?
  6. does your friend go out with him?
  7. is he ever in your dreams?
  8. is he a good boy?
  9. do u have things in common?
  10. will you ever tell your friends about this quiz?

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