are u good at getting bf/gf's

there are many people in this world and only some are good at dating.are u one of them? i me if u are.i would really like to see this on your site too!!

are u good at kissing,making out,dating,and relationships...find out!u probably already think u are but this test will show u the truth if u are or not!!

Created by: chris stevens
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how long is your longest relationship?
  2. if a girl/boy walks up to u in the mall and starts talkin to you what would u do....
  3. what would u do on the first date....
  4. what would u do for ur boyfriend/girlfriend....
  5. how would u break up with ur bf/gf...
  6. how many bf/gf have u had this school year so far...
  7. how did u ask your bf/gf out...
  8. how many times have u been rejected this year...
  9. how old were u when u had ur first kiss...
  10. what do u look for in a relationship...

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