Are u furry or anti furry?

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You get to see if you furry or anti furry. It is for furries and anti furries. I ain't gonna judge ya. Very nice flooring is very comfortable on bed for cat

You want more? That's all I got. It's just a quiz to see if you anti furry or furry. Not much else to it. That's all that is there. I am purposely using big words to meet the mandatory amount of letters

Created by: I exist
  1. Do you watch anthropomorphic movies/shows?
  2. Do you cosplay as anything? And if so what?
  3. If you were going to a furry convention. What would you bring?
  4. What would you do if you saw a furry hug a child?
  5. Do you fantasize about doing the do to animals?
  6. Ever heard of yiff?
  7. How much do you like animals?
  8. Do you draw animals?
  9. Someone in a fursuit breaks into your house! What do you do?
  10. Ever heard of Douglas spink?

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