are u dumb or smart

I wanted to know if you were smart I wanted to know if there are crazy stupid people out there out there but who know there may be a madsmarty person

do you have the gut to find out the truth well if you do than take the test to find haw smart or dumb you are.

Created by: nina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you have a test but you forgot to study
  2. are you cool and popular
  3. what grades are you getting
  4. do you think you could win 3 spelling bee
  5. are you called teacherpet
  6. are you a sport captin
  7. would you ace a test if it was random
  8. what is 12x 12
  9. what do you think youare
  10. what is 1-1

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