are u cute. pretty. beautiful inside out

There are soooo many cute people so stay urself cause everyone else is taken if u believe and remember theres always a lie in believe so be urself no matter what point of view

Are YOU pretty? Do really need to be pretty? No u can just stay urself cause everyone else is taken if u just believe and remember theres always a lie in believe so be urself

Created by: justice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u think u are
  2. What color eyes u have
  3. I look in too
  4. What kind of relationship
  5. Do u love them
  6. Does he/she make u laugh
  7. Does he/she like u
  8. Do u like him
  9. U like my quiz
  10. How r u guys with eachother

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