are u cool or not

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not evreyones ment to be popular and famouse in the halls of the school maybe your normal not in the slutty cool crowd but the you crowd or your a loner a person who would rathe rhtink then talk

maybe your a follower or your yourself dont let anyhone change you but if you really dont kniw if your annoying populat loner or just wired come o this quizz it will show you

Created by: maureen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you usually wear for school
  2. what music do you listen to
  3. do you curse
  4. whats your favorite color
  5. do you think your cool
  6. do you think your cool
  7. do you know blacklisted me
  8. not gonna count do you like
  9. whats your eye color
  10. whats this song " yea you said you felt the same but then whos to blame you threw it all away"

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