are u cool in real life?

are you cool? or are u just a wannabe cool? and just try to act one? try this quiz out to find out! see if that you are cooool, see if you are suuuuuuuper coooool, or just cool, or a dork, there is only one way to find out in the internet , take this quiz and find out! are you buddha or you are the most happening thing arround? there are 12 questions testing how your brain works

try it out, see for yourself that are you cool! my runescape account is 50eminem34, see it! try it and if you succed experience the feeling , lol , there are 12 questions testing your brains, if you cannot see how u really think you are, maybe this quiz will~!

Created by: dang flabbet
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if u had got a choice , wealth or knowledge which one will u choose?(remember being cool does not mean u have to be dumb!)
  2. do you live to study or study to live?
  3. if u see a celebrity , will u act all crazy and catch his attention for an aoutograph and possible a kiss, or be calm and just watch him and don't act as it is a big deal knowing you won't see him/her ever again?
  4. when your with a girl, when your see your embarising yourself , will you come up with a lie and impress her to save your date? or just try to save it without telling a lie?
  5. do you work to live or live to work?
  6. what type of movie will you take your date to before going to dinner?
  7. in a day when you and your family go out together , you have a hot date , what will you do?
  8. would you cheat on your gf or bf if you know you would not get caught?
  9. if your gang is beating up a geek, who is a really nice guy will you stop him or also join in?
  10. would you take your date to a dinner then a nightclub or first nightclub then to dinner?

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