Are U Certified Detroit

What it do? U just enter this Quiz of a detroit nigga and I wanna test ur brain on "How Detroit Are U? So if u think u have what it takes, themn take this Quiz!!! Good Luck!

U are really from da streetz of da "D"? Do u have da smarts for this Quiz? Do u have the dat hood nigga title? Do u know ur ceritfied "DETROIT"? Then lets see what u got!!!

Created by: Tre'Melle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What Hood Is D-12 from?
  2. Where Can U find DJ King David?
  3. What is the name of this place corner of 7Mile & Hayes?
  4. What Is the murder hosiptal?
  5. Who is The "Great Lake Ruler"?
  6. What label is K-Doe Signed to?
  7. Who Is Dirty's Glove "Southetn Flame Spitta "?
  8. What is da #1 Hang out spot in da "D"?
  9. What da 7 mile bus Route Number?
  10. Who made "Platnium Masterpiece"?
  11. What was the name of this Album that got national attention from a local group?

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