Are u an emo kid

Hope y'all have fun emo non emo and poser emo.......................,,Is going to be a cool quiz on quiz farm.Is going to be a cool quiz on quiz farm.

Love. Love Love. Love. Love love love. Love. Emo dead kill pain weed shame blame

Created by: Lola nice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u cut to take away th pain
  2. What your fav color
  3. Are u straight ,gay,or bi and do u have a dark side
  4. Do u hate those ugly preps
  5. What u do
  6. Do u listen to mcr
  7. Wat made u emo
  8. Rate please
  9. Have a god day
  10. Bye buds and poser u can g already

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