are u a very good friend

there ate alot of good friends in the world and there are some very good friends and some bad friends. I like good friends and very good friends.not bad.

Are YOU a very good friend? Do u have the ability to make other people feel like they are somebody.a lot of people wonder a lot dont. well those people that wonder are in luck.becuase with this quiz in just a few minutes u will find out.

Created by: alisha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you friend calls u and say she has a problem what do u do?
  2. What if ur friend needs help with her homework
  3. If u friend gets named on what do u do?
  4. what if ur friend trips and fall down what do u do?
  5. If ur friend is mad and she need some time what do u do?
  6. What if somebody pushes your friend in the cafeteria and her lunch falls on her what would u do?
  7. Will u help ur friend at anytime?
  8. Are u and ur friend close?
  9. If your friend calls u would u awnser all the time?
  10. Would u call u and your friend bff's (best friends forever)?

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