Are u a true FNAF fan?

We all love FNAF but are you crazy or bored? I made up this in the dark and I'm still bored. The stuff I put here is like lol! Not really. I will make a Minecraft quiz that comes out soon.

Now are you ready? Are you ready for Freddy???!!!??? We'll it's no turning back now. Do the quiz or be a chicken. Back back back. Don't be a loser. Man up and do it

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is foxy cute
  2. Is foxy really foxy?
  3. Is the new chica sexy?
  4. What would you pay for
  5. Witch one do u want to date
  6. Is the puppet GAY
  7. What is BB know as?
  8. How many FNAF games will there be?
  9. Will there be a "new" foxy who is FOXY
  10. What are u wearing
  11. Did u like the quiz?

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