Are u a good friend ?

Are you a good friend ? Check it out with this brand new quizz . By FiaSona come on . try it once . Its cool and there are lots of fun . So come on guys

Are you a good friend ? Come on Check it out with this brand new quizz . By FiaSona come on . try it once . Its cool and there are lots of fun . So come on guys

Created by: FiaSona
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do u have ?
  2. If somebody teases your friend and if she/he is crying bitterly . you ...
  3. You friend has got a C grade and is crying . You ...
  4. Your friend has asked you to go shopping with her but your parents ask you to go to movie with your cousins because they have come first time to visit you . You ...
  5. Your friend has bought a brand new shoes but u dont like the colour . You....
  6. Do u share a friends secret with others ?
  7. Do u wish ur friends on their birthday ?
  8. Do u pay compliment when due ?
  9. Do u share ur happy and sad moments with ur friends ?
  10. Will u be happy if I tell u are a best good friend in the world

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