Are u a good fighter

Do you think you are good fighter well take this test and find out, not a joking test either..

Do you think you are good fighter well take this test and find out, not a joking test either..

Created by: Gdgibb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you pick fights with people, or use self defence.
  2. When someone throws a punch to your face, do you...
  3. After hitting your opponent do you...
  4. If your opponent gets you to the grown and you are on bottom do you
  5. If you end up i a clinch what do you do?
  6. What is a jab?
  7. What do you make sure you dont do when throwing a punch?
  8. Which one of these are all actual holds
  9. Which one of these are all real punches
  10. What did you think of this test?
  11. Do you think your a good fighter?

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