Are they your real friends

I did this because I was tired of waiting for someone to do it for me ,and also because I want people to know if they have real friends and not fake ones.

Do you have real friends or fake friends want to find out all you need to do is that this quiz and in just a few minutes and you will be able to find out.

Created by: Paloma of Aye,Paloma
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any trouble with them
  2. Do you avoid them
  3. Do they talk behind your back
  4. Do you car about each other
  5. We're do you guys hang out
  6. Why do you like them
  7. How long have you known each other
  8. Do you have any thing in common
  9. Are you parents friends
  10. Do you want to be friends

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Quiz topic: Are they my real friends