Are our Afton Family AU's different?

Our Afton Family AU's are kind of different, yours are probably more canon. Though I am interested in your AU.. tell me more about it in the comments maybe?

This was inspired by many people who made Afton Family quizzes! :DNote : this is the first quiz I made here, so please don't judge it if it's terrible!Wattpad : dukeethewriter

Created by: Dukee The Writer
  1. Who is glitchtrap in your AU?
  2. What is C.C.'s (crying child) name in your AU?
  3. Does Michael feel guilty about the bite of 83/87?
  4. What is Mrs. Afton's name in your AU?
  5. How old was Elizabeth in your AU when she died/went missing?
  6. What is the death pattern? (The first one who died to last one who died)
  7. Well.. does this guy, Noah/Elijah/Carter (Ennard) exist in your AU?
  8. Who does Mrs. Afton posses in your AU?
  9. Who does Elizabeth Afton posses in your AU?
  10. When did C.C. die from the bite?
  11. Which animatronic does C.C. posses?
  12. How many ships do you have in your AU?
  13. Does "Terrance" exist in your AU?
  14. Is William Afton and Mrs. Afton divorced in your AU?
  15. And lastly, is Michael Afton married in your AU?

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