are my stalker ghosts evil or kind

There are a lot of people in this world. Some are followed by good ghosts and others bad.good ghosts do certain things to let you know if they are with you. Bad ghosts do things too, they might not be as pleasent.

Are you followed by a good ghost? That is a very good thing if you are a good person.are you followed by a bad ghost? If you are that's bad news. If your a bad person that's good. (This quiz is not exact)

Created by: eliza

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you accident prone
  2. Have you ever broken a bone
  3. Do you ever feel like your being wached in a good way
  4. Do you ever feel like your being wached in a bad way
  5. have you ever been hurt badly
  6. Have you ever almost tripped then regained your balance right before you were about to fall
  7. Are you sad all the time or happy
  8. do you constantly get good luck
  9. Dou you constantly get bad luck
  10. (Last question) do you often have boyfriends or girlfriends

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